54) Join us in the n2 coop - now build to protect artists against capitalism while facilitating their development

Join us in the n2 coop - now build to protect artists against capitalism while facilitating their development.

  • Civil society realizing civic values including anti war issues and human rights make together our common ground and are in our top priorities including that any of us must benefit, where that benefit also benefits other of us, while non of us have the monopolize blocking power.
  • Our coop's members agree that when they are realized and generating some income above specific limit, they are to give back some portion of that income to the coop, because among us, those who succeed also care for the continuity of the origin of their own success.
  • For the members' realization the resources of our coop are accumulated, belong to its members and distributed so that for any participant in specific issue in the coop's liquid union project, the resources are spread proportional to the participation between the branches of that issue - more about this way see [here http://liquid-unions.wikidot.com/ ].
  • When connecting, reviewing and working with each other for together realizing our inner intensives, when members agree and request and until the final realization, they have their specific disclosure in nda while encrypting their data, where the nda is open at the most only to members of our coop, because anything that could be capsized is generated from information, being arguments in their relevancy.

By pilepile, on 04 Jul 2018 15:41 history Tags:


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