6) let's talk on Rcoin - the coin of respect 1.11.2013:18-22h in-berlin Lehrter Str 53 10557 berlin

Let's talk on rcoin - the coin of respect, 2013-11-01 18-22h @inberlin.

About the Rcoin (from rcoin.h.pdf), licensed under the agpl and the author is namzezam):
rcoin - A coin of respect is a time limited and equally re-distributed communal coin. It is daily and gradually losing its value, which is equally gained by the community members. It is not money, nor an equivalent to money, but still a medium of exchange, a credit for exchange and an inner community evaluation tool. Use it for bringing more social justice into your communities for to build up your economy, by advancing community members to get more than the others, only as they are automatically sharing something of their gain with their community members.
By pilepile, on 28 Oct 2013 21:39 history Tags:


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